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How To Configure SMS & Email Messaging Messages in this topic - RSS

Chris Cicchitelli
Chris Cicchitelli
Posts: 3390

Chris Cicchitelli
Chris Cicchitelli
Posts: 3390
Configuring CastleOS for SMS & email messaging is very easy. First, on the settings page, ensure you have filled out SMTP settings for the email service of your choice. If you are unsure of these settings, just Google it, for instance "gmail smtp settings". When complete, it should look something like this (be sure to press save!):

Next, you'll be able to add email and SMS notifications as an alert on a scheduled or triggered event. You can even customize the message:

For SMS messages, you'll need to address it to your phone's special SMS email address, which all carriers have. For instance, 5556667777@vtext.com (Verizon), 5556667777@txt.att.net (AT&T), 5556667777@messaging.sprintpcs.com (Sprint). For a complete list of these special email addresses for all carriers worldwide, please click here.

That's it! Whenever that event executes, your custom SMS or email (or both) will be sent. Enjoy!
edited by ccicchitelli on 7/17/2013
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