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How To Change from Port 80 (for ISPs who block it) Messages in this topic - RSS

Chris Cicchitelli
Chris Cicchitelli
Posts: 3390

Chris Cicchitelli
Chris Cicchitelli
Posts: 3390
Some ISPs block port 80 from being used by consumers. In some cases, asking your ISP to allow access will work. When it doesn't, you can change from port 80 to any other port you choose by doing the following:

1) Go to Start > All Programs > UltiDev and open "UltiDev Web App Explorer"
2) In the "Host Processes and Applications" list, select "WebApp"
3) Select the "Network Addresses" tab
4) In the "HTTP Listen Addresses" box, you'll see ports 80, 8080, and one random port like 22638, listed. By default, CastleOS installs to ports 80, 8080, and one randomly selected free port. You can try one of these additional two listed, or add your own with the "add" button. Please note, depending on your system configuration, you'll also need to open the port on your firewall and/or router to allow remote access.
edited by ccicchitelli on 1/20/2013
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